Comedy - 1997 - Color
Director : Denis LLORCA
88 minutes
Visa # 93 194 Production : Les Films du Jeudi
Distribution : Les Films du Jeudi
With : Mireille DELCROIX, Arlette BONNARD, Alain MACÉ, Serge LHORCA, Jean BARNEY, Alain COURIVAUD, Philippe BRIZARD, KIRCH
Based upon "La Dame du Moulin Rouge" and "La Duchesse des Folies Bergères", by Feydeau.
After a night of carousing, Dr. Petypon brings home the Môme Crevette, a can-can dancer. The next morning, he manages to hide this embarrassing presence from his wife. But his uncle, a colonial general just back from Africa, mistakes the dancer for Petypon’s legitimate wife. The plot thickens when the couple are invited to the engagement party celebrating the engagement of the general’s niece Clementine to Lieutenant Corignon, one of the Môme’s former lovers. |